This blog is mainly about personal development. The secret of winning in life lies in seeing life differently - in its different shades and outcomes. For winners life is not a tedious journey from the womb to the tomb. It is a journey about crossing milestones and looking forward to new ones. The winners in life think constantly in terms of I can, I will, and I am,"
Oct 30, 2008
Turn Yourself Around
Turn yourself around. Rather than escalating the negative, do something positive. Give of yourself, play a game with your children, find someone to whom you can say "thank you."
There are many beautiful and valuable aspects to your life -- the people you love, experiences you've had, your spiritual faith, things you treasure and enjoy, places you've been, and everything that brings a sense of pure joy to you.
Refuse to let the negative influences control you. Draw strength from the beauty and wonder that is your life. Take the high road, and transcend the negative. When you're heading down the road of negativity, turn yourself around.
Oct 27, 2008
Stronger and Stronger
What are your strengths? What do you want them to be? Negative habits can be very strong, because they've been practiced for so long. Any new positive action will be weak by comparison at first. Keep it up and it grows stronger. Decide what you want to be strong at, and do it, again and again.
It is impossible to become a champion body builder in a single workout. Strength takes time and repetition to develop. Start today to build the strengths that will serve you best.
Oct 23, 2008
Surpass yourself
What have you done today to surpass yourself? What can you do right now that will challenge yourself to higher and higher accomplishment? If you look, you'll find plenty of ways to surpass yourself. No one knows better than you how to make the best of what you have. Start a positive spiral upwards. You have what it takes to make tomorrow even brighter than today.
If you constantly look over your shoulder and compare yourself to others, it can hold you back. Focusing on what you don't have leads to a mentality of lack and limitation. Instead, concentrate on what you do have, and on how to make it even better. Seek not to put yourself down, but rather to surpass yourself. Strive to improve on your own performance. The most effective competitors are those who set their own challenges and then surpass them.
Oct 20, 2008
Be Beautiful
Nothing stirs the spirit in quite the same way as beauty. There is something inside of us which resonates with productive, joyful energy in the presence of beauty.
Beauty is difficult to define, yet easy to recognize. It can exist on a grand scale, and in the smallest detail. Beauty is a mountain peak, the smiling eyes of a child, the intricate workings of a powerful machine, a musical passage, elegantly designed software, a convincing idea. Beauty compels and inspires like nothing else.
What do you do that's beautiful? You don't have to be a painter or a poet to create beauty. You don't have to be a supermodel to be beautiful. Anything undertaken with passion and commitment can produce beauty. The greatest, most celebrated achievements are always beautiful in their own unique way.
Be the best that you can be. In your work, your play, your world, your life, be beautiful.
Your Next Disappointment
There are a multitude of struggles, disappointments, and risks that are situated between you and your goal. If they didn't exist, you would already have reached the goal. The joy of achievement comes when you find the strength within yourself to work through the challenges.
Anything worth achieving takes effort. Anything worth achieving presents its own set of difficulties. The greater the obstacles, the greater the accomplishment.
What's your next disappointment? Find it, work through it, learn and grow. That's the essence of success.
Ten Rules for Taking Back Your Life
- Challenge yourself to use every 'bad' thing in your life as a new beginning.
- Find the 'good' in everything that you can.
- Don't expect the good things to be readily apparent. It may take a few days, weeks or even months before you finally see them.
- Allow yourself to realize your true power. This doesn't mean pushing people around, but looking for your hidden skills.
- Talk to yourself. Talking to yourself is a very powerful tool to use and it can help you increase your motivation and your ability to stick to a task.
- Stop expecting others to solve your problems. Even if you lost your job, it's an opportunity to look in a new direction, to acquire a new skill and to blaze a more pleasurable path in life.
- Throw out that 'yes, but' expression from your life. It's just a way of keeping yourself stuck in the mud.
- Take a good hard look at what you'd really like in life and sit down and begin making a list that outlines the steps you need to take. Not everyone needs to go to college to be happy. Find out where your happiness lies, if you don't want to go back to school. Abraham Lincoln did just fine with his self-learning plan.
- Beware of the negative people in your life. Pointing out the problems is fine, but some people only see doom and gloom and they can't be very helpful, unless you find that helpful.
- Remember that every road has unexpected turns and that any plan must be one that allows for some give and take. If there's one word for your plan to take back your life, let it be 'flexible' and go from there.