Dec 31, 2008

New Year Resolution???

The custom of New Year resolutions originated with early Babylonians who took the beginning of a New Year as a resolve to return borrowed farm equipments and buy new ones for themselves. When the year starts, we are refreshed after long holidays and vacations and being energetic and rejuvenated, we feel ready to glide over all the stresses and work loads of the coming year easily and make big promises to ourselves. We plan goals that we will try to achieve during the year whether it is to lose weight or quit smoking.

New Year Resolutions are nothing but short-term annual goals that help us to improve and break out of bad habits. However, most people forget about it the very next day and get on with their jobs and lives as usual. Mark Twain had very aptly commented, 'Yesterday, everybody smoked his last cigar, took his last drink and swore his last oath. Today, we are a pious and exemplary community. Thirty days from now, we shall have cast our reformation to the winds and gone to cutting our ancient shortcomings considerably shorter than ever.' Here are some tips that you can keep in mind while making your list of New Year Resolutions 2006, so that you actually keep them:

-> Evaluate the price in terms of sacrifice, risk, time, efforts, money, perseverance and willpower that you will need to fulfill your New Year resolution and be ready to pay it.

-> Give yourself a prize or a gift whenever you complete a New Year Resolution so that you are encouraged to fulfill others too.

->If you have not completed your last year's resolution, include it again in your list for 2006 and make sure that you keep it this time. Also examine the points that made you fail and try to overcome them.

-> Keep only one or few resolutions that you can actually follow. Too many resolutions will discourage you from approaching the list. So choose whether you want to learn dancing this year or learn paragliding.

-> Place reminders that keep popping up weekly or every third day throughout the year so that you do not chuck out your New year Resolution list once the euphoria celebration wears off. These reminders can be kept in your daily diary, set online or be from your close friends. You can also keep resolution journals for the purpose that you go through regularly.

-> Remember New Year Resolutions do not include such things, as I will not call my ex-boyfriend for three days. The resolutions here are meant for the entire year.

-> Set only realistic goals. Some things may actually seem stylish and trendy but may not be your cup of tea. Opt them out already. While you want to go for rock climbing like all your friends, you may not feel like it actually. Thus, cross out such resolutions beforehand.

-> Tell someone close about your resolutions so he or she can shake you up a little whenever you are losing your track.

Dec 30, 2008


Attitude can turn the coldest, most dreary day into a joyful one, or it can make the most magnificent, sunny day a misery. Attitude has the power to turn almost any situation into an opportunity, or to make the most innocent act or remark into a tragedy of major proportions.

Attitude makes meaning out of whatever may be happening. It is our emotional interface with the world. Are you more troubled by your troubles, or by your attitude toward them? You control your attitude, and by so doing you determine the meaning and influence of your experiences.

Attitude can take a problem and make it so intense as to be completely overwhelming. Attitude can find a tiny kernel of goodness and magnify it to fill the whole day.

Your attitude is yours to control. Use it to make the most of your life.

"Where ever you are, be there totally"

Dec 26, 2008


The most successful people have reached the top not because they are free of limitations, but because each day, each moment, they act in spite of their limitations. We are blessed with virtually unlimited possibilities, and we must pursue those possibilities within the very real confines of our own limitations. Every person who has ever lived has struggled against their own set of limitations.

What are your limitations? Do you see them as an excuse for defeat, as a reason to give up? The limitations you face are not there to stop you, but rather to challenge and ultimately to support you. Limitations provide a frame of reference, something to push against, a way to grow.

Everything you have ever accomplished, has been done in spite of your limitations. You've proven, over and over again, that you can overcome your own unique challenges. Refuse to let your limitations stand in the way of your possibilities.

"Knowing is not enough, we must apply. Willing is not enough, we must do."

Dec 22, 2008

You are Worthy

You are worthy of reaching for the greatest of accomplishments. And you are worthy of achieving them, no matter what other people think of you, no matter what your job title is, no matter what you have done up to this point in life. You are worthy of the best.

You are unique; you are special. You are creative and effective. You have much value to offer, regardless of what anyone has told you. And no one can express that value but you. You're the one who can do it. You're the only one who can be you. You are the person who deserves to live your dream. You're the only one who has what it takes to reach that dream.

If you can see it, if you can imagine it, if you can dream it, you are worthy of reaching it. And it is possible. No one will hand it to you. In fact you'll strive day and night to reach it. When you give the best you have, when you refuse to be stopped by the obstacles in your way, when you do what must be done, you'll get what you deserve -- a full, rich life that is like no other. Each day, with your thoughts and actions, live up to the fact that you're the best.

Dec 19, 2008

Self Doubt

Even the most successful people in the world are never completely satisfied with themselves. In fact, dissatisfaction can be a powerful driving force, compelling us to greater and greater levels of achievement.

The problem comes when self dissatisfaction turns into self doubt. Often, we feel frustrated or disappointed about the past, and we project those feelings into doubt about the future.

The future, however, has not happened yet. And so it makes no sense to be negative about it. The future is full of limitless possibilities. Your own future is largely under your own control. Your future is not determined by your past. It is determined by you, and by the actions you take from this point on.

Use your past disappointments not as an excuse to doubt yourself, but as a guide to improving your future. There is no reason to doubt yourself or your own abilities. In fact, the very impulse to doubt yourself is an indication that you know you can do better. Look past the doubt, past previous shortcomings, and you'll discover a bright future.

Dec 15, 2008

Great Ideas

Think of how powerful an idea can be. Every great invention, every magnificent work of art, every brilliant accomplishment began with an idea. There is no limit to how far an idea can take you.

And yet, the idea alone is not enough. Ideas are worthless without execution. By itself, an idea does not accomplish anything -- it has value only to the extent that it is acted upon.

You've probably had hundreds or even thousands of workable ideas. And the only ones which ever amounted to anything, were the ones you acted upon.

Ideas create value when action is invested in them. In fact, the more you act on your ideas, the better those ideas become. Why? If you never have to act on your ideas, you don't care if they're realistic or not. Knowing that you must actually follow your ideas, makes them sharper, more realistic and more successful. Action imposes a healthy discipline on your thinking, and brings your ideas to life.

An idea is the roadmap to success. it is not success itself. An idea is a great start, but only if you keep on going. Respect and value your great ideas by acting them into reality.

"A generous heart, kind speech and a life of service and compassion are the things which renew humanity."

Dec 8, 2008

Staying positive

It's easy to be positive and upbeat when things are going well. The real challenge of living with a positive focus, is when life starts handing you problem after problem. It is much more of a struggle to remain positive when there are difficulties swirling around you. Yet that is the time when a positive outlook can make the biggest difference.

Staying positive in the midst of troubles does not mean that you should live in a state of denial, refusing to even acknowledge your problems. Rather, you must clearly see the problems and all their implications, and refuse to let them get you down. Then go beyond that, and look for how you can turn the negative into a positive.

In every difficulty, there is opportunity. In order to see that opportunity, you must look for it. That means looking clearly and objectively at the problem, free of self pity or wishful thinking.

You can be positive, no matter what. Don't deny your problems, and don't let them deny you.

"The first step to getting the things you want out of life is this: Decide what you want"

Dec 5, 2008

Roses Among Throns

"Some people complain because God put thorns on roses, while others praise Him for putting roses among thorns."

See the best side of every thing always


Dec 4, 2008

Giving challenge

Few things provide as much satisfaction as being needed. We usually go to great lengths in seeking comfort and pleasure, and certainly do enjoy them. Yet even the most delightful pleasure seems a bit hollow if we're not doing something to make a difference.

And so it follows that one of the kindest things you can do for other people is to make it possible for them be needed. In your desire to help others, you naturally think of giving comfort and pleasure. Look for a way to also give challenge -- the challenge to make a difference.

Several years ago, certain residents of a nursing home were given the opportunity to make a difference when they were each permitted to select a houseplant and to make decisions related to its care. After a year and a half, the residents who were caring for houseplants were found to be more cheerful, active and alert, with less than half the death rate as a similar group of residents who were not caring for plants.

Even the most seemingly insignificant challenges can be truly life enhancing. Make a big difference by providing others with the opportunity to make a difference, too.

"Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve"

Dec 2, 2008


Life holds us accountable whether we like it or not. Every action produces irrefutable consequences. And though we may try to hide from those consequences, in the end they always catch up to us.

What will you do today to uphold the responsibility you have to your own possibilities? What about in the next twenty minutes? What consequences will your actions produce?

Hold yourself accountable, and the consequences work in your favor. Accept the responsibility for your own life, and you gain control of your own destiny. It's easy, and often very reasonable, to blame your troubles on something or someone outside yourself. It's easy to expect other people, or changing conditions, to solve your problems for you. It's easy to expect dumb luck to bring fulfillment into your life. Easy, and yet sadly misguided.

Ultimately, only you can be accountable for you. It is a serious responsibility and a boundless opportunity.

" Affirm the positive, visualize the positive and expect the positive, and your life will change accordingly."