Sep 30, 2008

A Special Day

Our lives are full of special days -- holidays, birthdays, weddings, anniversaries, days of celebration, days of remembrance, fellowship, and leisure. We treasure those special days when we take time to celebrate and enjoy life, when we get together with loved ones, when we give a little more of ourselves and find special pleasure in the simple joy of being alive.

And the most special day of all is... today! Because today is where we live. Today is full of possibility, ready and waiting to be filled with life and love. Today brings the opportunities and challenges which give meaning to life. In every moment of today, there is treasure.

Every day is special because we make it special. No matter what the calendar says, each and every day is full of opportunities for life, for love, for making dreams come true. The weeks, the months and the years come and go. Along the way we collect fond memories of the past and build hope for the future. Yet today is when we do our living, when we create the memories and fulfill the hopes.

Life is full of special days -- one right after the other. All the special days in the past have brought us here today. And all the special days to come, begin to take shape right now. Today is indeed a special day, a sacred gift that is ours to fulfill.

Sep 26, 2008

Learn and know

Knowledge is one of the greatest treasures you can ever have. Each day is filled with countless opportunities to obtain more of it and to make good use of it, and no one can ever take it away from you.

In fact, the more you share what you know the more valuable that knowledge becomes to you. In knowledge there is great and continuously growing power.

Do not be content to hear secondhand from others how the world works. Take the initiative and make the effort to learn for yourself, and gain real, useful knowledge.

The amount and quality of knowledge you have will determine to a large extent the quality of your life. When you know what you need to learn, and when you know how to find it, anything becomes possible.

You already have great knowledge and you have access to much, much more. Achievement comes from using your knowledge to drive your actions toward the goals you have chosen.

Every day, every situation, every experience is a learning opportunity. Make good, purposeful use of what you know and learn, and there is no limit to what you can achieve.

The best you can do

Do you do your best each day? Yes, you do. Because at the end of the day, when all is said and done, whatever you've accomplished, that's the best you were able do. Is it good enough? That's for you to decide.

Do you live up to your expectations? Yes, you do. Because whatever you expect of yourself, is exactly what you'll get from life.

Are you living the life you truly want? Yes, you are. Because if you truly wanted anything else, you would find a way to have it.

What is the best you can do? What do you expect from yourself? What do you want from life? These things are completely under your control. You decide what is your best. You decide what to expect. And that is what you get.

The Rose within us

Every human being is an unique design of Godand created for a divine purpose.

But it is we who fail to realise our potential and fail to put right efforts in the right directionending up in mere disappointment and blaming the fate.

The most difficult phase of life is not when noone understands you.But it is when you dont understand yourself.

Believe in yourself.

What is really important to you?

When you start to get angry, or frustrated, or impatient, consider for a moment the truly important things in your life. Ask yourself if the frustration or inconvenience of the moment is even worth your time and energy.

Often we react out of habit, and get all worked up about things which really don't even matter. Such behavior wastes an enormous amount of energy which could instead be directed toward the really important things.

As you start each day, before you get caught up in the deadlines, the need-to, the have-to and the want-to things, take a moment to think of what's really important to you. Put it all in perspective. Keep your eye on the big picture, and then all the little things will help you move toward it.

Sep 19, 2008

Creating Confidence

When you've already been successful at something, it is easy to be confident about it. So one reliable path to confidence is to start with small accomplishments and incrementally build on them. Most people who learn to fly, start with a small, single-engine plane and work their way up to larger, more powerful and more complex aircraft.

Experience is a great confidence builder. Yet in order to grow, you must also be able to act with confidence in new and unfamiliar situations. Many times it is necessary to create your own confidence. How do you do that? Remember that confidence is nothing more than a state of mind. You can completely control your own mind through the thoughts you think and the actions you take.

To be confident, act confidently. Walk confidently. Put a confident look on your face. Talk confidently. Breathe confidently. Confidently look people in the eyes when you talk with them. Stand confidently. It may sound superficial, but try it and you'll see that it works.

Mentally, go beyond mere belief and KNOW that you can do what needs to be done, that you can handle any situation. Remember that all the things you can now do, you once could not do. Be confident knowing that you learned then, and you can learn again now.

Act confidently, think confidently and you will be confident.

Sep 18, 2008

Value of 86,400

Imagine there is a bank that credits your account each morning with Rs 86,400. It carries over no balance from day to day; allows you to keep no cash balance;every night deletes whatever part of the balance you failed to use during the day.What would you do with such an account Draw out every penny, of course!!!

Every one of us has such a 'bank'. Its name is TIME. Every morning it credits you with 86,400 seconds. Every night it writes off as lost whatever of this you have failed to invest to good purpose. It carries over no balance. It allows no overdraft.

Each day it opens a new account for you. Each night it burns the records of the day.If you fail to use the day's deposits, the loss is yours. There is no going back. There is no drawing against tomorrow. You must live in the present -on today's deposits. Invest it so as to get from it the utmost in health, happiness and success!

The clock is running. Make the most of today!! And make it a great Day ahead!!

Sep 17, 2008

Remember the basics

Let's face it. Achievement is no picnic. It is hard work. It is often tedious. The most spectacular success is not easily or quickly won. To accomplish anything worthwhile frequently requires doing the same thing, over and over again and again, for as long as it takes. Winners focus on mastering the fundamentals, rather than chasing every new gimmick that comes along.

You've probably seen this happen many times in your own town. A trendy restaurant will promote an exciting new "concept", draw crowds for a few months, and then lose most of its business to the next new fad. Meanwhile, other restaurants focus on perfecting their food, their service, their dependability, their cleanliness, their convenience and their reputation -- and build a loyal clientele which stays with them for the long haul.

Sometimes we become so familiar with the fundamentals, that we forget how important they are. Yet no one is so accomplished, or so highly experienced, that they can afford to ignore the basics.

Often the most exciting and significant results come from the most tedious efforts. Remember the basics. Persist and you will prevail.

Sep 15, 2008


Are you living in paradise, and you don't even know it? Are the ripe, juicy fruits of joy and fulfillment yours for the picking, while you continue to dig for sour berries? Are you walking down streets littered with sparkling diamonds, and not even bothering to look at them, much less pick them up?

Do you pass by golden opportunities every day, during the few moments you spend outside the secure, comfortable prison cell that you've built for your life? Are the boundaries which separate you from true fulfillment, of your own making?

In each moment there is gold, waiting to be mined. In each friendship there is joy, waiting to be felt. In each problem there is wealth, waiting to be created. Open your eyes. Open your heart. Look around you, really look, and see the beautiful world where you could be living, if only you would.

Go for it

Dream big dreams. Expect the very best from life. Set your standards high. Reach for the stars.

Success demands effort and sacrifice. Success demands your energy, your focus and your persistence. So make sure that the success you aim to achieve is worth the price you pay. Otherwise, you won't be willing to pay that price.

In the end, the low road is just as long and difficult as the high road. So go ahead and take the high road. Make the journey worth the effort. Life exacts a price, and you will surely pay it. So you might as well pay happily and reap the rewards.

Aim high, dream big, go for the best, and make your days count for all they're worth. Use your days to make a real difference. After all, what better use could they possibly have?

Sep 12, 2008

Another Minute

Another minute just went by. Maybe you used it to learn something, or to work toward a goal, to create or to enjoy. Maybe you used it to say thank you, or to make a difference in the life of someone very close to you.

Or maybe you just let it go by, without making the best of it while it was here. Now it is gone forever and you can't get it back. And so it goes, day after day.

There are millions of things you can do with each minute. And in those minutes, life is lived, dreams are pursued, great cities are built, beautiful art is created, magnificent machines are designed, families are strengthened, businesses grow.

In every minute is the opportunity to jump on the road to success and fulfillment. It all depends on how you use it. A new minute is starting right now.

Sep 5, 2008

Thrive on challenge

Life will challenge you regularly. Embrace that challenge with a thankful heart and a creative, resourceful mind.

Each challenge has within it great strength. Go out to meet the challenge, work your way steadily through it, and that strength becomes yours.

Challenge can be painful, inconvenient, embarrassing, tedious and time consuming. And that same challenge also gives life much of its meaning, flavor and fulfillment.

One of the kindest things you can do for someone else is to offer a respectful, meaningful challenge to that person. One of the smartest things you can do for yourself is to take on higher and higher levels of challenge.

Challenge sharpens your priorities and magnifies your performance. Lives of greatness positively thrive on challenge.

Choose to see each challenge as the opportunity for growth, satisfaction and achievement that it is. The world is overflowing with challenges, and inside each challenge you'll find truly immense value.

Yours to live

Hi friends,

This day is yours to experience. This life is yours to live.

This world is a place in which you can act to make a positive, meaningful difference. This moment is one that's filled with possibilities.

It can often be difficult to make your way forward, and it is all too easy to lose sight of the unique and beautiful person you truly are. Take time to remember the best that is within you, and know that your authentic, miraculous life is stronger than any obstacle.

Choose to fill this day with your very own special expression of what it means to be alive. Right now is your opportunity to fulfill those yearnings that have always called to you.

You have the power to take any ordinary moment and put joy into it. Your happiness comes not from what you may seek to take away from life but from what you give, what you create, and what you share.

This is your moment to live with all the purpose and richness you can imagine. Realize that nothing is really holding you back, and make this the best day ever.