Jan 28, 2009


Things change. People change. Rules change. The world changes. Desires change. Conditions change. Opinions change. Change is everywhere, all the time. What was certain yesterday, is different today, and will be something else tomorrow.

Think of the people you've known for a while. Do you really know them the way they are now, or do you still assume they're basically the same people they were years ago? Consider how many things in your life have changed in the last six months. what you've learned, how you've grown. Remember, everyone else changes too. That prospect who had no interest last month has changed since then.

Consider the implications this fast changing world. What assumptions are you making, that might no longer be valid? Embrace change and it will work for you. Resist change and the world will pass you by.

Our prayers should be for blessings in general, for God knows best what is good for us.

Jan 22, 2009

Think Wisely

You have the ability, through your thoughts and your efforts, to create something that has never existed before. And you have the power to choose what that will be.

It is at once a magnificent opportunity and an awesome responsibility. Your thoughts are ultimately chosen by you. Your actions, and their results, will be determined by the things you think about and the things to which you pay attention.

All achievements begin in the mind, and there is no limit to what the mind can think. Everything that anyone has ever invented, built, written, performed, produced or otherwise created, began to take shape first as a conscious thought. Put your highest and best thoughts into disciplined action over a long enough period of time, and you'll create a masterpiece.

What you think about, is what you will do. And what you think about, is up to you.

Jan 21, 2009

Remember the winning you

What do you remember about yesterday? Do you remember the problems and disappointments, or do you remember the progress and the achievements? What do you remember about last month, or last year, or ten years ago?

What's happened has happened. There is nothing you can do about it. Yet your imagination is yours to control as you wish. You can remember exactly what you choose to remember, in exactly the way you want to remember it.

When you remember mostly the good things, you build an image of yourself as an achiever and a winner. Importantly, that self image has a profound effect on your future actions, and on the results you get. Remember your past as a winner, and you'll act like a winner.

In your mind, treasure the good things in your past, and their memory will brighten your future.

Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.

Jan 19, 2009

Make yourself heard

Make progress instead of promises. You are not known by the promises you make, but rather by the value you create.

Actions do indeed speak louder than words. Every positive, productive action builds your credibility and polishes your reputation.

The way to be impressive is to do impressive and valuable things. Instead of wasting your time posing as a successful person, get busy with the real and persistent efforts that will truly make you successful.

True accomplishment is infinitely better than the mere appearance of accomplishment. The way to gain the sincere respect and admiration of others is to make positive and valuable things happen.

Those who shout loudly and yet do nothing will eventually be ignored or laughed at. Those who work quietly and consistently end up gaining the greatest influence.

Instead of just talking about it, step forward and do it. Without saying a word, you can make yourself heard with the quality of your actions.

Worry is like a rocking chair - it gives you something to do, but it doesn't get you anywhere.

Something wonderful

Something wonderful will come from this. Something of great value is already taking shape.In every disappointment, there are fertile seeds of accomplishment. In times of pain, there are opportunities arising for magnificent joy.

When you are making your way through the dark and lonely valley, keep going. Keep going and you'll soon reach the place where you begin to climb out and up toward the mountaintop.

Allow your difficulties the opportunity to give you strength. Let the tough times make the good times much more rewarding than they otherwise would have been.

Be truly thankful for each opportunity to more fully appreciate life's goodness. And be confident that the goodness is always there.

Know that something wonderful will come from this. And it will.

Jan 8, 2009

Opportunity is everywhere

There's no need to spend a lot of time looking for opportunity. It is everywhere, and every day more opportunities are being created.There is always work to be done. There is always value to be created.

Instead of waiting for a new opportunity or searching for the perfect opportunity, go ahead and get to work. Make the most of some of the opportunities that are already here and now.

There is great value that can be created on this very day. There are problems that can be solved, processes that can be improved upon, and endless ways to be purposefully creative.

Opportunities are worthless unless they are acted upon. Choose to take the actions that will turn the best opportunities into real and lasting achievements.

Opportunity is everywhere, already, right now. Step forward and put it to work.

Our deeds determine us, as much as we determine our deeds.

Jan 7, 2009

Is It?

Watch out for "is." It can be very limiting. Thinking and saying that something "is" a certain way, puts you in danger of ignoring all the other possibilities.

When you make a statement like "this is impossible" it cuts off all your options. Many things which once were considered impossible have now become routine. Rather than concluding that "this is impossible" try asking "what would make this possible?"

The next time you find yourself saying "this is" or "they are" or "I am" consider that there may indeed be many other possibilities. Rephrase the statement into a question and observe how it opens your mind. Instead of saying "I am no good at selling" ask "How can I improve my selling skills?" Instead of thinking "I'm an expert at Java" ask "What more could I learn about Java?

In a world where change is one of the few certainties, don't let yourself be trapped by "is." Open yourself to the possibilities.

Life is a succession of moments, to live each one is to succeed.

Jan 2, 2009

Think Out of Box - Increase Your Performance

Employees are normally rated in most of the companies based on their performance.Needless to say everyone wants to be rated Outstanding.

What is the yard stick and how do you measure these aspects?

• Employee "A" in a company walked up to his manager and asked what my job is for the day?
• The manager took "A" to the bank of a river and asked him to cross the river and reach the other side of the bank.
• "A" completed this task successfully and reported back to the manager about the completion of the task assigned. The manager smiled and said "GOOD JOB"

Next day Employee "B" reported to the same manager and asked him the job for the day. The manager assigned the same task as above to this person also.

• The Employee "B' before starting the task saw Employee "C" struggling in the river to reach the other side of the bank. He realized "C" has the same task.
• Now "B" not only crossed the river but also helped "C" to cross the river.
• "B" reported back to the manager and the manager smiled and said "VERY GOOD JOB"

The following day Employee "Q" reported to the same manager and asked him the job for the day. The manager assigned the same task again.

• Employee "Q" before starting the work did some home work and realized "A", "B" & "C" all has done this task before. He met them and understood how they performed.
• He realized that there is a need for a guide and training for doing this task.
• He sat first and wrote down the procedure for crossing the river, he documented the common mistakes people made, and tricks to do the task efficiently and effortlessly.
• Using the methodology he had written down he crossed the river and reported back to the manager along with documented procedure and training material.
• The manger said "Q" you have done an "EXCELLENT JOB".

The following day Employee "O' reported to the manager and asked him the job for the day. The manager assigned the same task again.

• "O" studied the procedure written down by "Q" and sat and thought about the whole task.
• He realized company is spending lot of money in getting this task completed.
• He decided not to cross the river, but sat and designed and implemented a bridge across the river and went back to his manager and said, "You no longer need to assign this task to any one".
• The manager smiled and said "Outstanding job 'O'. I am very proud of you."

What is the difference between A, B, Q & O????????

Many a times in life we get tasks to be done at home, at office, at play….,

Most of us end up doing what is expected out of us. Do we feel happy? Most probably yes. We would be often disappointed when the recognition is not meeting our expectation.

Let us compare ourselves with "B". Helping some one else the problem often improves our own skills. There is an old proverb (I do not know the author) "learn to teach and teach to learn". From a company point of view "B" has demonstrated much better skills than "A" since one more task for the company is completed.

"Q" created knowledge base for the team. More often than not, we do the task assigned to us without checking history. Learning from other's mistake is the best way to improve efficiency. This knowledge creation for the team is of immense help. Re-usability reduces cost there by increases productivity of the team. "Q" demonstrated good "team-player" skills,

Now to the outstanding person, "O" made the task irrelevant; he created a Permanent Asset to the team.
If you notice B, Q and O all have demonstrated "team performance" over an above individual performance; also they have demonstrated a very invaluable characteristic known as "INITIATIVE".

Initiative pays of every where whether at work or at personal life. If you put initiative you will succeed. Initiative is a continual process and it never ends. This is because this year's achievement is next year's task. You cannot use the same success story every year.

The story provides an instance of performance, where as measurement needs to be spread across at least 6-12 months. Consequently performance should be consistent and evenly spread.

Out-of-Box thinkers are always premium and that is what every one constantly looks out for. Initiative, Out-of-Box thinking and commitment are the stepping stone to success.

Initiative should be life long. Think of out of the box.

A New Year from now....

Where will you be a year from now? Where would you most like to be? There is so much you've learned and experienced on your journey to this day. Imagine what you can now do with it all.

This new year is a grand opportunity, filled with promise and possibilities. Choose now the very best of those possibilities, and know that you have the power to bring them to life.

You will spend this coming year moving in one direction or another. Commit now to making that direction the one that will take you toward what you sincerely desire.

Life in each moment is influenced by your presence and participation. As this new year unfolds, continue to make that influence a positive and fulfilling one.

Consider today where you would like to be a year from now. For now is the beginning of the year in which you can truly make it happen.

To move ahead you need to believe in yourself...have conviction in your beliefs and the confidence to execute those beliefs.

Jan 1, 2009

Happy New Year 2009!

2009 is here. What will it bring?

Opportunity. Every day of the coming year will be filled with opportunity and possibilities. Every day will give you a chance to make your life count, to make a difference, to grow, to learn, to achieve, to be the person you were meant to be.

Today you stand at the threshold of a new year. A blank slate ready to be filled by you. The new year makes no promises, and has no guarantees other than this every day will be filled with challenges and opportunities. It is up to you to recognize the opportunities, to see the possibilities, and to overcome the challenges. And by so doing, your life, and the world around you, will be enriched.

You don't have to wish for a Happy New Year. You have the power to make it a truly happy year, a year of fulfillment and accomplishment for you. A year that will lead to many other great years.

It doesn't seem that long ago that we ushered in 2008, and 2010 is already looming on the horizon. Time is precious, and we cannot save it up. We must use it as it comes.

Climb aboard 2009 and hold on. Keep your eyes open. There's opportunity around every bend. Have fun. It's going to be a great ride!

Happy New Year!

Keep your thoughts positive, because your thoughts become your words.
Keep your words positive, because your words become your actions.
Keep your actions positive, because your actions become your habits.
Keep your habits positive, because your habits become your lifestyle.
Keep your lifestyle positive, because your lifestyle becomes your destiny

New Year, New Day, New Life, New Work, New Rise, New Thinking, New Earning, Open up your creative eyes, You will be unique always.